vCAC and Orchestrator VM deployment automation
Orchestrator 5.5.1 inside of vCAC 6 appliance Hello. It has been a while since I've used Orchestrator and I would like to set up a fully automated VM deployment vCAC and vCO environment but I'm not...
View ArticleHow to read Array of SQL:ActiveRecord
We're trying to write a script here to query a database that keeps inventory of our servers, and automatically increment the server name to the next available number in the chain. We're able to query...
View ArticlevCO - Adding vCenter
When adding a vCenter 5.5 Server to Orchestrator 5.5u1 I get the error: InternalError: Certificates does not conform to algorithm constraints (Workflow:Import a...
View ArticleVCO, the SOAP plugin and TLSv1
Howdy all, We are currently using the VCO SOAP plugin to talk to our BlueCat Proteus server to assign IPs to new VMs. With the older version of the Proteus server (3.x) this works just fine. However,...
View ArticleCancellation of Scheduled Workflow
We currently have a workflow in Orchestrator that will process a cancellation of a particular build process which involves multiple workflows. As a part of the cancellation process, we look at the...
View ArticlevCO add user to Fabric Group and create a business group
Hi, currently i can use vCO to create a new Tenant (Independent AD user group, users, OU). Let different admin user can uses different URL and Alias to log into the vcac portal. I am facing following...
View ArticleErrors with vCD Plug-In under vCO 5.5
Hello, I'm attempting to run the "Add a vDC" workflow under the vCD 5.1-558 plugin in vCO 5.5, and I'm receiving the following error: Could not call :...
View Articlevco 5.1 loses database configuration when the vco configuration service is...
Hi,We are configuring our server now, everything works fine at the firts time configuration, but, the problem comes when we restart de vco configuration service at the vco server, for any reason we...
View ArticlePresentation: (possible error) default value based on input argument in prior...
Using Orchestrator 5.5.1 1617127. Same results with various Oracle JDKs 1.7.0_55, 1.7.0_60, 1.7.0_65, and 1.8.0_11. Create a workflow with two inputs, both string. Adjust the presentation by adding a...
View Articleactive directory attribute losing its value
Another day, another problem Running newly upgraded vCO 5.5.1 and I'm having a problem with the AD plugin. I have an OU defined as a attribute and I have already selected the OU so the value is...
View ArticleAdd PowerShell Host With Kerberos
Hi, i have just added powershell host of my domain controller and it work greatly, but now i need to add another host and it isn't a domain control but i need to launch over it a powershell command...
View ArticleProblem with Executing SSH Command in vCO Workflow - break line \n guilty?
Hi,I want to execute a SSHCommand within the vCO Appliance, to convert a Unix formatted CSV File (2 lines - header and properties) into Win format. I'm using the perl -p -e 's/\n/\r\n/' <...
View ArticleTypeError: Cannot read property "hardware" from undefined
I'm trying to create wrappers for the workflow "Connect Virtual machine NIC number to distributed virtual switch". To do this I need to convert the complex keys to simple. I'm able to query the vm...
View ArticlePlugin Installation and Reported State
I'm having trouble understanding why my plugin installation reports a different status now and then. After installing the .dar via the ui, and restarting the service, I see plugins listed variously...
View ArticleProvisioning based on different Business Groups
I presented a new datastore under a different business group in VCAC and when I went to catalogs I can see my entitlements with two different selections for each Business Group. I can provision to...
View ArticleArray/number type input parameter of a workflow on java client side
Hi, There is a workflow where its input parameter is Array/number. I understand Array type itself in the rest client api is How about number? How to...
View ArticleConvert portWorldWideName to HEX wwpn - wwn
Hi, I need some help. I gathered the portWorldWideName and nodeWorldWideName. What I get back is some odd number. So my questions is how to convert that strange number into a WWPN that we are used...
View ArticleEmail at the end of workflow
hi, i need to send and email at the end of workflow, how can i do this? the destinatary address is an imput of workflow.. thanks
View ArticlePower on vApp with input parameter
Hi to all, I am new to Orchestrator and would appreciate help. I am trying to use predefined workflow "Power on vApp" in a way that SOAP client (I use SOAP UI) can execute powering on vApp based on...
View Articleget vCenter VM from vCAC VM
I couldn't find an action for this and it doesn't seem to be a property of the vCAC vm. It sure would be nice if it were. I snagged this code from one of the workflows in the vCAC plugin that does...
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