Orchestrator 5.5.1 inside of vCAC 6 appliance
Hello. It has been a while since I've used Orchestrator and I would like to set up a fully automated VM deployment vCAC and vCO environment but I'm not sure the way I want to do it is the best way. Would anyone be able to give some guidance or suggestions?
In my mind, this is how it would work.
Process Flow...
User in department 1 logs into vCAC and fills out a vCO workflow form with fields that I can use to determine how the VM should be built(key fields like storage speed for VM disk datastore placement, etc) and the approval process it should go through(key field would be dept).
Username- would like to get this from orchestrator logged in credentials if possible
StorageSpeed-dropdown(ssd, sas, sata)
Environment-dropdown(prod, dev, stage, test)
ServerFunction-dropdown(iis, apache, mssql, postgres, etc..)
Schema Flow...
1. Have one workflow to gather information from user.
2. Have a decision object(s) somehow to decide which datastore to place the vm on and where it should go for approval
3. Have a second workflow to accept the inputs from the decision object and first workflow.
I have read some helpful forums and post and will continue to work on this. Practice will surely help as well.
Thanks in advance for any input or direction you can give!