I need some help. I gathered the portWorldWideName and nodeWorldWideName. What I get back is some odd number. So my questions is how to convert that strange number into a WWPN that we are used to XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.
It seems that powerCli returns a HEX values but here I don't know. Can please someone help to get the code to convert? Many Thx!
var hbas = new Array();
var hbas = VcPlugin.convertToVimManagedObject( host, host.configManager.storageSystem.storageDeviceInfo.hostBusAdapter );
for each(var hba in hbas)
if (System.getObjectClassName(hba) == "VcHostFibreChannelHba" )
var wwnn = hba.nodeWorldWideName;
var wwpn = hba.portWorldWideName;
System.log( "nodeWorldWideName: " + wwpn);
System.log( "portWorldWideName: " + wwnn );}