Workflow fails to terminate after starting PowerCLI report
I'm using a workflow to start a PowerCLI report external to vCO on a PowerShell server. The PowerCLI report runs fine and finishes but the workflow still says "running". How can I make the workflow...
View ArticleError 1034
When running one of my workflows in the webclient the workflow does what it should but the webclient throws "Error 1034" (on vCenter and Orchestrator 5.5). I've searched the Internet and even if some...
View ArticlevCAC Plug-In
Hello, We have VCO 5.5 installed and we are looking for vCAC 6.0 Plug-In in order to integrate with VCO 5.5. Please let us know if we can find any latest Plug-In for vCAC 6.0 and also let us know if it...
View ArticlevCO with Powershell and VMware.VimAutomation.Extensions causing workflow to hang
Environment: vSphere Version: 5.5vCO Version: 5.5.0 build 1281930PowerShell Plugin: PowerShell have successfully instantiated multiple Powershell commands through vCO in the past, including...
View ArticlevApp Power Status Check
We are trying to kick off a workflow to suspend a vApp which we have been able to do. Before we kick off the task to suspend the vApp, we want to check the status of the vApp to ensure that it is not...
View Articleget vCenter VM from vCAC VM
I couldn't find an action for this and it doesn't seem to be a property of the vCAC vm. It sure would be nice if it were. I snagged this code from one of the workflows in the vCAC plugin that does...
View ArticlevCO Interface to VSM
Is it possible to use vCO to query informatoin from VMware Service Manager, and is there a specific workflow already designed to do this?
View ArticleHow ConfigSpecs, Sysprep, etc all work when Cloning a VM in vCO
Hello everyone, After following the trail of bread crumbs and plenty of Google searches, I was wondering if anyone would like to help with an overview of how sysprep answerfiles/inf/xml are handled...
View ArticlevCAC Plugin Batch Entity Update
Is there a peferred method for doing a batch update with the vCAC plugin? I'm attempting to replace a C# based vCAC extensibility workflow with a vCO workflow, and I don't see any way to perform a...
View ArticleLogin failed with username 'administrator'
Hi, I want to configure vCD in VCO, but I am facing error. I am trying through vCO configuration.I am getting error, Login failed with username 'administrator'. And the error...
View ArticleProblem with the active directory plugin
I have an issue with the active directory plugin that it doesn't show the OUs under a spesific OU (I'm guessing that it is because there are too many objects in that spesific OU and for some reason it...
View ArticleLimit simultaneous workflow executions
Hi, I have a workflow that I'm using within vCAC and I need to ensure that only one instance of this workflow executes at any time - otherwise vCAC could potentially provision systems using the same...
View ArticleClarification in Vmware Technology Certification
Dear VMware Team, I have explored your VMware Vcenter Orchestrator .I Inspired in your orchestrator tool product .I want to do Certification in same tool . Could you please any one suggest me how to...
View ArticleWorkflow to execute script inside OS
How can you run a script inside a guest operating system from Orchestrator? PowerCLI has invoke-vmscript cmdlet - what is the equivalent javascript / vCO method to do this?
View ArticleThird party retrieving a list of VCO types
hi all, I am trying to replicate the attached diagram in a third party system to allow better integration of VCO workflows from remote entities. Anyone know how I can obtain a list of types including...
View ArticleHow to Create Self Service Portal in Vcenter Orchestrator?times
Dear Team, I want to create the Self Service Portal for Reset password of User in Active Directory in Vcenter Orchestartor . Could any one guide me for this Note : I installed Vmware Vcenter...
View ArticlevCenter Access from vCO non admin
We have a non admin vCenter user who cannot see any inventory in VMware orchestrator.The user has access to select parts of vCenter - cloud and esx.There are production systems in the vCenter that the...
View ArticlevCO 5.5 Webview - Exception occurred expanding AD
Greetings, vCO 5.5 Applicance using the lastest AD Plug-in 4 connecting to AD via LDAPS / 636. Using the vCO client I can browse AD no problem, add objects etc.However, using the weboperator URL,...
View ArticleChange vNIC type
Hi! Is anyone using a workflow to change a VM's vNIC from E1000 to VMXNET3 or vice versa? The MAC-Address should be kept the same. Thanks in advance! regards,t.
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