Is there a peferred method for doing a batch update with the vCAC plugin?
I'm attempting to replace a C# based vCAC extensibility workflow with a vCO workflow, and I don't see any way to perform a batch update.
As an example I'd like to disable performance data collection so we have a scheduled workflow which finds all performance collections which are enabled and then flips the content to disabled and batch saves the rows back. With vCO it looks like I need to do an explicit update per row which isn't really a big deal for this use case, but may be for others with large collections of entities to update it may be.
// example code
var model = "ManagementModelEntities.svc";
var entitySet = "DataCollectionStatuses";
var entities = vCACEntityManager.readModelEntitiesBySystemQuery(
"43bbf1e7-4c4e-473a-b6af-f9ba45bf4252", // host id
model, // model name
entitySet, // entity set
"FilterSpec/FilterSpecGroup/FilterSpecGroupName eq 'performance' and IsDisabled eq false", // filter
null, // order by
null, // select
null, // top
null, // skip
null // headers
// update filtered entities here, can I do this as a batch
entities.forEach(function(entity) {
// update one by one