Predefined List of Elements from action showing list in VCO webclient but not...
I have created a predefined list from an action in one of my workflows that basically creates a list of numbers based upon the memory the VM selected in the previous step has. That way if you want to...
View ArticleProblem - Adding PowerShell host in PowerShell plug-in
Hi everybody. I want to execute PS scripts localy on a host from vCO.I have installed this components on it: 1. WS 2008 R22. vCO V5.1.0 Build 27253. PowerShell plug-in V1.0.14. WinRM V2.05. PowerShell...
View ArticlevCloud director plug-in 5.1 configuration with vco 5.5
I've installed the plug-in for vCloud director 5.1 in vCenter Orchestrator 5.5, the plug-in installed fine along with the certificate which I imported from the url. However configuring the plug-in is a...
View ArticleJava Collection Classes in vCO
From the documentation I see by default classes from java.util.* available for vCO Java Script Engine. I am using vCO 5.1 appliance version. Can any one post an example on how to use HashMap or...
View ArticleCreation Time and First time provision total time of a virtual machine
How to get Creation and First time Provision information details of a Virtual Machine Created Time = Date and Time of when vm was createdProvision Time = Total time it took to create a vm the first...
View Articlech.dunes.model.type.ConvertorException: Not an Array
Hi, I have one workflow which takes input as an 'XML file', In that workflow there is scriplet which parse the data from XML. In 'Out' tab of scriplet bounds number of 'Array' of global attributes so...
View Article5.5 Install not creating configuration link
Good evening, We've installed 5.5 but for some reason the link to the configuration is missing. For 5.1, simply browsing to http://localhost:8282/ would bring up the config page, but nothings loads....
View ArticleServer deployment from an Image
Hi all, first off i am a total noob when it comes to Orchestrator, I've been given the task of trying to figure out how to build a workflow to deploy a server from a pre-existing image. I dont have the...
View ArticleDynamic Port Group Creation and VLAN Association
Hi, looking for some insight on potential of vSphere Orchestrator to assist in a particular use case. Background:- at present we have a lab environment were we deploy vApps for demonstration and...
View ArticleERROR - The guest operations agent could not be contacted
Hi, We have a workflow that clones a vApp, and after VMware Tools starts in one of the cloned VMs, we run a batch script using the "Run program in guest" workflow. We run this cloning process multiple...
View ArticleProblems associated with vCO Web Services and WaveMaker
Hello guys, It's been a while, but here I am again today, with more questions. Q1. Cannot build connection to vCO through the SOAP URL: Here is what I am trying to do: connect to vCO using...
View Article5.5 "Cannot connect to host"
Good evening, We've installed 5.5 and re-imported our prior 5.1 config. When attempting to login to the VCO client, the "Cannot connect to host" message is being returned. This happens regardless of...
View ArticlevCO Appliance Powershell Plugin
I have set up a powershell server using the following webpage: vCO PowerShell plug-in | VMware vCenter Orchestrator Blog - VMware Blogs I am able to run the final winrm identify command on my desktop...
View ArticleVcVirtualMachineSnapshotTree.snapshot is undefined for a given VcVirtualMachine
I'm running the vCO 5.1.1 appliance, and using the stock action to return snapshots (getAllSnapshotsOfVm). Running the action against any given VM with at least one snapshot produces an array of...
View Article404 on self provisioning portal
We have upgraded one of VCO servers to 5.5, but are not experiencing intermittent 404's when you click on the link to approve the workflow. Doesn't happen 100% of the time, but enough to be an issue....
View ArticleArray of Elements - Multi-Dimensional Arrays
Need:I have a need for a multi-dimensional array that I want to utilize across multiple workflows. Detail:The information for each individual of the 10+ child arrays is static information attributes...
View ArticleSet up System Resource Allocation via vCo or PowerCLI
Hi guys, I'm been trying for a few days to automate some ESXi 5.5 post-install settings. Among several subject I want to set up system resource allocation for a HOST (not for a VM).So I made some...
View Article5.5 debugger
Can anyone provide a good reference/insight to using? I haven't found any docs on it on the VCO team blog. Thanks.
View ArticleTrying to modify custom properties in vCAC when calling a vCO flow
I need to have vCAC call a vCO flow, run a few commands, and use the output to modify the custom properties back in vCAC for the current build only. I have successfully called the vCO flow during a...
View ArticleSecure Credential Storage
Is there a standard way to do secure credential storage in vCO? In vCAC you can take advantage of "Endpoints" and "Credentials" which allow you to create some general configuration data and store...
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