Hi guys,
I'm been trying for a few days to automate some ESXi 5.5 post-install settings. Among several subject I want to set up system resource allocation for a HOST (not for a VM).
So I made some research through the API, finding this :
Method > updateSystemResource() documented here http://www.vmware.com/support/orchestrator/doc/vco_vsphere50_api/html/VcHostSystem.html
resourceInfo argument type VcHostSystemResourceInfo
VcHostSystemResourceInfo doc : http://www.vmware.com/support/orchestrator/doc/vco_vsphere50_api/html/VcHostSystemResourceInfo.html
config argument type VcResourceConfigSpec
vCResourceConfigSpec doc : http://www.vmware.com/support/orchestrator/doc/vco_vsphere50_api/html/VcResourceConfigSpec.html
argument cpuAllocation argument type VcResourceAllocationInfo
memoryAllocation argument type VcResourceAllocationInfo
VcResourceAllocationInfo doc : http://www.vmware.com/support/orchestrator/doc/vco_vsphere41_api/html/VcResourceAllocationInfo.html
limit and reservation arguments
From here I wrote this script into a simple workflow to update the settings with my custom parameters, :
var hostSystemResourceInfo = esxHost.systemResources;
var config = hostSystemResourceInfo.config;
config.cpuAllocation.reservation = "500";
config.cpuAllocation.limit = "1000";
config.cpuAllocation.expandableReservation = true;
config.memoryAllocation.reservation = "500";
config.memoryAllocation.limit = "1000";
config.memoryAllocation.expandableReservation = true;
esxHost is the host, which I select when I launch the workflow.
But all I get is an exception : A general system error occurred: Invalid fault (Workflow:Resource Allocation / RA conf (item1)#12)
A little help would be appreciated.
I put an alert on this topic, so any question or script testing, I can do that.
Thanks by advance !