vRO 7.3 versioning for resource elements not working... can't revert.
I'm using the versioning with resource elements and it doesn't appear to allow me to revert to a previous version. I've never really versioned my resource elements but I'm doing some work where I am...
View ArticleNeed help creating RestRequest to using token/sessionID agains vCenter 6.5...
I am trying to test out the VCSA 6.5 Backup script with vRO available out there. Tested working using Curl, PowerShell, PowerShell using Invoke-RestMethod but can't get it to fully work in vRo. The...
View ArticlevRO AWS Plugin
Hi,I have successfully installed "VMware vRealize Orchestrator Plug-In for Amazon Web Services" on our vRA environment and was able to add an amazon account as well. Problem is that when...
View Articlegetting virtual machines names_vRO
I am trying to get virtual mchinesnames using vRO. created following workflow. put following code in scriptable task var virtualmachines = VcPlugin.getAllVirtualMachines(); for each (virtualmachine in...
View ArticleSuspend new VRO workflows
I was wondering if there's a way to suspend new execution of workflows. But keep the existing one still running. I'm asking because when I want to plan an upgrade and a huge workflow starts (our main...
View ArticleJNLP File - Connecting to different VRO under different domain
So I have 3 VRO environnement, dev, preprod and prod. Dev and preprod are linked to a PSC which is then linked to a dev Active Directory.And my prod has the same setup, but linked to a prod Active...
View ArticleHTTP Status 404 - /vco-controlcenter/
Getting 404 - /vco-controlcenter/ when I try to access the configurator. I've tried restarting the configurator. I don't see anything in any logs, either. Where is the log for this, anyway? I'm using...
View ArticleCreate computer in an organizational unit
I have a scriptable task which reads in the computer name. I have hard coded the OU and domain as they will be static at this point. When I run this scriptable task as an event it runs fine. When I...
View ArticlevRealize Orchestrator self service portal for end users
I am new to Orchestrator so forgive the "rookie" question. I know in earlier version of Orchestrator they had "weboperator" as a way to present workflows to end users. I am currently on version 7.3...
View ArticlevCenter API code samples for Orchestrator
Hello Community, I am looking for vCenter API (VC:Plugin) samples for Orchestrator (JavaScript). I found VMWARE {code}...
View ArticleCreate approval based on value placed in text field on XaaS blueprint.
I am attempting to kick off an approval based on inputs placed in a text field on an XaaS blueprint form, and can't seem to quite figure out the necessary steps. Example text field...
View ArticleRegister all Virtual Machine
Hi, What is the best way to "add to inventory" all virtual machines from the connected datastores? In Powershell it's easy:- loop over the connected datastores, and search for vmx file.- register the...
View Articlecreate multiple orchestrator configuration elements
Hello, I try to automate the création of ElementCategory but cannot find the way to do it the aim is to add networks configuration parameters in a category path called network networkelement 1...
View ArticleGetting an error when I try to use worfklow.changeCredential() function
I have a WF that uses the following code block: // Change the running credential: System.log("Workflow started running as: " + Server.getCredential().username); System.log("Changing to: " +...
View ArticleReference search error
On vRO I am getting some sort of timeout when trying to use reference search Nothing in the server.log that explains this problem. Application is fine and fully functional...
View ArticleSearch list for vCAC:HostMachine not working in workflow input vRO 7.3
Trying to use a list or dropdown for vCAC:HostSystem doesn't return any matches. I need to leave it blank and hit enter which returns a long unsorted list. Tree view takes forever in our environment....
View ArticlevCD Provider vDC not returned after creation.
Hello, I have workflow which creates a Provider vDC in vCloud Director. After that it creates an Organization and then an Organization vDC. To create the Org vCD I need the provider vDC. I query the...
View ArticlePassword validation not working
Hi, I have a workflow that requires the user to define a new password that must meet complexity requirements. The workflow uses custom validation on a field within the form based on the below action:...
View Articlevm power state when Snapshot taken
Hi community ,i am searching for a way to know what is the power state of the VM when a snapshot taken .vcenter 6.5 thanks in advance
View ArticlevRO 7 - user interaction predefined values from composite type?
I have a workflow that asks users for 4 input parameters (string arrays) during runtime. The parameters are predefined and selected from a drop down. The predefined values are prepared by a nested...
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