I have a scriptable task which reads in the computer name. I have hard coded the OU and domain as they will be static at this point. When I run this scriptable task as an event it runs fine. When I add the "Create a computer in an organizational unit" workflow it asks to add the parameters into the workflow, I select promote. When I run the event subscription again I get a "get" error immediately due to the OU being an AD:OrganizationalUnit type. I have specifically worked this down to the OU being the culprit. I attempted to change the type of OU to string and convert it to an AD:OrganizationalUnit type in my script (which works) but the whole workflow tosses an error because the input type was changed from AD:OrganizationalUnit to String.
I'm stuck because I need to have the OU (AD:OrganizationUnit) variable or I need to find a way to change the "Create a computer in an organizational unit" workflow so it doesn't require the OU variable or take it in as a String.
Has anyone ran into symptoms like this and if so, how did you get past it?