I am attempting to create HP SM Change Management tickets via WSDL. The canned flows to add a host and create a workflow succeed (albeit with a some issues/difficulties) but the crux of the issue is as follows.
Populating what the out of the box SM mandatory fields from the vCO flow (leaving the 3 time fields as 'Not set') results in a vCO failure during the 'creating request' stage -- date argument must be a date and non null.
Populating those fields in vCO (which during a test from SoapUI isn't required) does result in the submit to the WSDL proceeding and in fact a response is received, however, the response (the output for the failed create incident request) indicates the data in the date fields are in improper format...
+ parameter name: 'messages.message[0]', value: 'scxmlapi(41) - The data in the 'open.time' field of record " " of file probsummary contains data that does not conform to the SOA datatype in datadict'
The full output/response from the HP SM WSDL is below...
Any thoughts? The HP SM is 9.31 and out of the box config (no customizatinos).
[2014-01-21 11:30:52.724] [I] creating request...
[2014-01-21 11:30:52.733] [I] invoking 'CreateIncident' operation...
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.296] [I] operation 'CreateIncident' successfully invoked.
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.297] [I] processing response...
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.298] [I] out headers...
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.324] [I] out parameters...
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.334] [I] out parameters available:
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.335] [I] + parameter name: 'model.keys.IncidentID', value: 'null'
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.336] [I] + parameter attribute name: 'model.keys.IncidentID(type)', value: 'String'
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.337] [I] + parameter attribute name: 'model.keys.IncidentID(xsi:nil)', value: 'true'
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.338] [I] + parameter name: 'model.instance', value: 'null'
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.339] [I] + parameter attribute name: 'model.instance(uniquequery)', value: 'number=NULL'
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.340] [I] + parameter name: 'messages.message[0]', value: 'scxmlapi(41) - The data in the 'open.time' field of record " " of file probsummary contains data that does not conform to the SOA datatype in datadict'
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.341] [I] + parameter attribute name: 'messages.message[0](type)', value: 'String'
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.343] [I] + parameter attribute name: '.(message)', value: 'Data Type Mismatch Error'
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.348] [I] + parameter attribute name: '.(returnCode)', value: '41'
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.350] [I] + parameter attribute name: '.(xmlns:cmn)', value: 'http://servicecenter.peregrine.com/PWS/Common'
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.351] [I] + parameter attribute name: '.(xmlns:xsd)', value: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.352] [I] + parameter attribute name: '.(schemaRevisionDate)', value: '2008-06-09'
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.353] [I] + parameter attribute name: '.(status)', value: 'FAILURE'
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.354] [I] + parameter attribute name: '.(schemaRevisionLevel)', value: '0'
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.354] [I] + parameter attribute name: '.(xmlns:xsi)', value: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.355] [I] + parameter attribute name: '.(xmlns)', value: 'http://servicecenter.peregrine.com/PWS'
[2014-01-21 11:30:53.356] [I] + parameter attribute name: '.(xsi:schemaLocation)', value: 'http://servicecenter.peregrine.com/PWShttp://SM920.slick.com:13080/sc62server/Incident.xsd'