Hi All-
I have been banging my ahead against the wall today trying to get the clone, Windows with single nic and credential to work. I have it customized and it looks like it should work as intended. I kick the workflow off and it clones the source VM (template actually) and gets to about 95% and just fails with -
A specified parameter was not correct: spec.identity.userData.computerName
I read a couple threads in which the parent item (template) contains invalid characters. I checked and indeed my template had an _ in it. Deleted it and created a new template, all letters and numbers and well under the 15 character limit. Updated the attribute to point to this and the same error. My new VM is getting its potential name from an input parameter. I am seeing also this in the orchestrator logs.
[2016-06-24 15:52:27.124] [E] Error in (Dynamic Script Module name : vim3WaitTaskEnd#20) Task 'CloneVM_Task' error: A specified parameter was not correct: spec.identity.userData.computerName
[2016-06-24 15:52:27.184] [E] Workfow execution stack:
item: 'Clone, Windows 2012R2 Standard/item2', state: 'failed', business state: 'Cloning', exception: 'Task 'CloneVM_Task' error: A specified parameter was not correct: spec.identity.userData.computerName (Dynamic Script Module name : vim3WaitTaskEnd#20)
Then this within the vpxa logs
--> name = "testest",
--> sanitizedName = "testest",
--> folder = 'vim.Folder:a1c562b8-bf8c-4e6c-8043-49bb3c78c121:group-v202',
--> tempSnapshotName = <unset>,
--> checkpointFileName = <unset>,
--> vAppClone = false,
--> macAssignmentData = (string) [
--> "00:50:56:b0:13:95"
--> ],
--> forkCtx = (vpx.vmprov.ForkContext) null,
--> }
2016-06-24T15:42:42.588-05:00 info vpxd[97304] [Originator@6876 sub=vpxLro opID=cell-e61974cc-180b-4827-b36a-58ae466f90f5-8b] [VpxLRO] -- BEGIN task-internal-24957147 -- domain-c277 -- vim.ComputeResource.GetEnvironmentBrowser -- 52af655b-28cb-6800-c2ff-5e20b13b1f40(52be3fe9-2ec3-2a57-14fa-25a64f69c39e)
2016-06-24T15:42:42.592-05:00 error vpxd[112256] [Originator@6876 sub=vpxLro opID=2572d454-79] [VpxLRO] Unexpected Exception: vmodl.fault.InvalidArgument
2016-06-24T15:42:42.592-05:00 info vpxd[112256] [Originator@6876 sub=vpxLro opID=2572d454-79] [VpxLRO] -- FINISH task-internal-24955876
2016-06-24T15:42:42.592-05:00 info vpxd[112256] [Originator@6876 sub=Default opID=2572d454-79] [VpxLRO] -- ERROR task-internal-24955876 -- -- VmprovWorkflow: vmodl.fault.InvalidArgument:
--> Result:
--> (vmodl.fault.InvalidArgument) {
--> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
--> invalidProperty = "spec.identity.userData.computerName",
--> msg = ""
One vcenter, only using IPs, no hostnames, one of the datastores does have _ scores, tried others. Have disabled drs, storage drs, just in case.
I have triple checked everything - org name, full name, etc. I am out of ideas of what to look for, can anyone please shed some ideas on what I could try?