I am trying to fetch the specific message format like "XXXX:XXXX:XXX" from the body of the email. I have used the inbuilt workflow "Retrieve Messages(Via Mail Client)" located in Library/Mail/ of my vRO 7 Orchestrator client. I am able to get the format correctly but sometimes it contains some number/special character. I found that the body of the email depends of the charset used during sending the email to the email account. I am using UTF-8 during sending the email to the email a/c. But during retrieving the specific format from email body of that email a/c, I found that it is appending some special character to the main content.
I am trying to parse the content variable (below) to retrieve the specific format. Is there any way, so that I can extract the exact text/content of the email body with specific format ? there should not be included any kind of number/special character in the content.
var conent = bodyPart.getContent();
//logic for retrieving the specific format from this content variable...
....doing some string operations like search(), substr(), etc