When I run this workflow I enter the server name, the FQDN in the host field and press next.
I leave the PowerShell remote host type as WinRM, the Transport protocol as HTTP and Authentication as Basic. Press next
I enter localadmin@localservername and then the password. When I click submit I get this mess below.
I have tried Kerberos as well as other combinations of the username/password combo. Any thoughts?
[2016-06-13 16:06:27.328] [E] Workfow execution stack:
item: 'Add a PowerShell host/item8', state: 'failed', business state: 'null', exception: 'Unauthorized Access. Authentication mechanism requested by the client may not be supported by the server. (Dynamic Script Module name : addPowerShellHost#12)'
workflow: 'Add a PowerShell host' (EF8180808080808080808080808080803D80808001270557368849c62c352aa82)
| 'attribute': name=errorCode type=string value=Unauthorized Access. Authentication mechanism requested by the client may not be supported by the server. (Dynamic Script Module name : addPowerShellHost#12)
| 'attribute': name=sslUrl type=string value=
| 'input': name=name type=string value=XXXXXXX
| 'input': name=type type=string value=WinRM
| 'input': name=transportProtocol type=string value=HTTP
| 'input': name=port type=string value=
| 'input': name=hostName type=string value=XXXXXXX
| 'input': name=username type=string value=admin@XXXXXXX
| 'input': name=password type=SecureString value=__NULL__
| 'input': name=sessionMode type=string value=Shared Session
| 'input': name=authentication type=string value=Basic
| 'input': name=acceptAllCertificates type=boolean value=false
| 'output': name=host type=PowerShell:PowerShellHost value=null
*** End of execution stack.