I have created a kerberos session to a remote host (shared session, called ServerA). When I try to run a powershell command through the Invoke a powershell script"-workflow, it can execute on that remote server.
When running following: gc c:\test.txt it shows nicely the contents of the file. When I run gc \\serverB\c$\text.txt it states that the file does not exist (ServerB is not the powershell-host connected from vco). The file exist and the permissions are also ok - I tried that with a runas-command.
I tried enabling delegation for ServerA and also tried with CredSSP (winrm set winrm/config/service/auth '@{CredSSP="true"}' and winrm set winrm/config/client/auth '@{CredSSP="true"}').
I'm using the vCO-appliance 5.5. Any hints are greatly appreciated.
Stefan Pahrmann