Mail report with workflow status
Hey, I managed to add to my workflow a script which is sending me an email with all needed information except one: who started the workflow. Is there any parameter or way to have that info in email??...
View Articleworkflow error: Manager is shut down
Hi everyone, I am trying to copy a file from a Windows VM to VCO, using the ootb workflow "Copy file from guest to vCO". The workflow ran successfully many times, but stopped working. The error...
View ArticleAuto select destination host in a workflow when hosts are inside a DRS cluster
Hi I have several workflows that deploy virtual machines inside different non automated DRS clusters.Right now, i get a list of the available hosts for the VM to clone using:...
View ArticleVCO SOAP plug-in and multipart messages?
Hello, I bumped into error while adding a SOAP host:Unable to parse WSDL definition! Reason: More than one part for message [...clip...](Dynamic Script Module name : addSOAPHost#8) Is there something I...
View ArticlevApps without VCD
Very new to orchestrator here, I'm trying to work with vCAC and vCNS, and it seems we need to land our vCAC deployed VMs into vApps so that they can inherit some pre-defined rules. So what I'd like to...
View Articlehow to work with http headers
Hello, is there way to get / set headers and check the response codes from HTTP interactions? The URL object used in the "HTTP get" and "HTTP put" activities doesn't seem to expose that functionality....
View ArticleImport Workflow with PowerShell
So I've been working on a powershell script to export all of my workflows out of one vCO server and then import them back in to anotherI've got the export working great! That said, can't figure out the...
View ArticleBUG: VlanID always zero for vSwitch PortGroups
After upgrading vCO 5.5 to 5.5.1 I discovered to my dismay that it is now impossible to retrieve the vlan ID for a traditional portgroup; the reported vlanId is now always '0' (not null or undefined)....
View ArticleUpdate task details in vCenter web client
I'm getting started with vCenter Orchestrator so sorry if this is a frequently asked question. Is there a way that a vCO workflow can influence the task status when it is called from within vCenter?...
View Articlepurge vcm record using vco rest api?
Has anyone been able to purge a vcm record using vco's rest api function? I know the purge function is not included in the vcm package, however, we received what is supposed to be the raw xml code to...
View ArticleHow to revoke access to client
Hey, I'm just wondering how I can revoke access to vCO Client and leave access to weboperator? Is it possible? regardsZbyszek
View ArticleHow to X-vMotion / Enhanced vMotion etc.
Hi, Has anyone had any success figuring out how to do a vMotion operation on a VM without shared storage? I am surprised why there are no sample workflow for this standard operation. /Brian
View ArticleHTTP Post with SSL v3
Hi, I'm using Orchestrator version 4.2.1 build 555And I'm doing a HTTP Post to a server which only accepts SSL v3 The code is easy: //Auto-generated script var urlObject = new URL(url); result =...
View ArticleQuestions about vCO bundled in vCenter Server
I've read that a vCenter Server installation has a vCO included with it. I've tried to find mine, but can't seem to locate it. Before I try harder, I thought I'ds try to get more specific...
View ArticleUnable to edit workflow in VCO 5.1
Hi I have VCO appliance 5.1.2 running. I am pretty sure I have configured it correctly as the setup used to work once upon a time.The VCO Admin group is set to SYSTEM_DOMAIN_administrators_ and my...
View ArticleWrite a UUID value to Postgres DB through vco
I want to write to postgres DB a set of values, one of them is a UUID. I did a PreparedStatement.setString() which is throwing an error. Is there any method to write the UUID value to DB through vco?
View ArticleDynamic Types
Hello, Has anyone used Dynamic Types yet? Is there any howtos or documentation that someone can point me to? I have searched but haven't found anything. Thanks,Joe
View ArticleVM Customization
Hey, can some one help me with changing disk size in VM? I want to be able to choose VM and add additional storage to disk. Anyone knows how to do it? thanksZbyszek
View ArticleAdvanced Services Searching Active Directory
I have done a fair amount of searching, and have have not found anything that relates to what I am seeing. Situation:We have created an advanced service that allows for users to be added to a group....
View ArticleInteraction with OpsCode Chef HTTP REST API from vCenter Orchestrator v5.1...
Interaction with OpsCode Chef HTTP REST API from vCenter Orchestrator v5.1 Update 1 I need to be able to use the HTTP REST API to initiate commands against the Chef server during provisioning and...
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