I am testing out the vCD 5.1 (prerelease) plugin for vCO 5.5 o11nplugin-vcloud-5.1-562.vmoappand all of my queries using the vcloud query service are breaking. I am loading up an array with expressions then passing the array into a filter object and the following error is being generated in my 5.5 instance. The works fine in vCO 5.1 + vCD 5.1 plugin.
Cannot convert org.mozilla.javascript.NativeArray@5b5c7f6d to com.vmware.vmo.plugin.vcloud.model.query.Filter[] (Dynamic Script Module name : QCvclqueryByNameConvertToProperties#18).
I basically load up the array with one or more VclExpression types and when I set a filter like so the above error is generated.
var filter = new VclFilter(expressions,VclFilterType.AND);
Here is a code snippet:
var vAppTemplates = new Array();
var matchCatalog = true;
var vcdHost = System.getModule("com.qualcomm.basic").QCgetConstant("Qualcomm","QCloud","vcdRoot");
var matchCatalog = (!System.getModule("com.qualcomm.basic").QCisBlank(catalogName) ) ;
var items = new Array();
var queryService = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vCloud.Query").getQueryService(vcdHost);
Is anyone else seeing this? Do I need to modify something in my queries for this upcoming release?
var expressions = new Array();
var expression1 = new VclExpression(VclQueryAdminVAppTemplateField.NAME, itemName , VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
if (goldMaster) {
var expression2 = new VclExpression(VclQueryAdminVAppTemplateField.ISGOLDMASTER, true , VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
if (matchCatalog) {
var expression3 = new VclExpression(VclQueryAdminVAppTemplateField.CATALOGNAME, catalogName , VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
if (published) {
var expression4 = new VclExpression(VclQueryAdminVAppTemplateField.ISPUBLISHED, true , VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
// Error happens here!
var filter = new VclFilter(expressions,VclFilterType.AND);
var params = new VclQueryParams();