Hi ,
I am using vCO 5.1and SOAP vCO Plugin 1.0.2, ( vCO has internet connectivity using proxy )
I am trying to 'Add a SOAP host'.
It fails at 'Manage SSL Certificate ' sub workflow.
Then I tried to run only 'Manage SSL Certificate' sub workflow using below SOAP URL
https://gpn.webservice.gomez.com/TestManagementWS/TestManagementService.asmx?WSDL but again it fails , URL is working fine in browser
Also tried other option, using browser copied SSL certificate on local machine and then exported the certificate in vCO , which is successfully exported
but again NO luck while running 'Add a SOAP Host' workflow fails at same location 'Manage SSL'
I am not sure whats going wrong.........any suggestion/input will be helpful............Thanks