In an attempt to strip and reassign a vCloud:VM's custom parameters I have run into a snag around there addition of new parameters.
With the input of a vCloud:VM my workflow goes through the process of stripping away any and all custom parameters. (These is successful)
Once stripped the new parameters are polled from various sources. (Again this completes successfully evidence in variable tab.)
Finally comes the reassignment. My call to addVMCustomParameters looks like:
System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vCloud.vApp.VM").addVMCustomParameter(VM,"Datacenter", "Description", String, "DC LABEL", false, Datacenter);
And the error this line produces is:
Bad request: Unknown OVF type 'org.mozilla.javascript.IdFunctionObject@585c31f3'.; majorErrorCode=400; minorErrorCode=BAD_REQUEST; vendorSpecificErrorCode=null; (Dynamic Script Module name : addVMCustomParameter#4)
What is strange is that the workflow fails on its error and stops executing but when I re-run the workflow my removal process picks up the newly assigned value which was shown as failing and removes it.
Thanks for your help,