I have the following in my workflow (vm, vmNetwork, macAddr, customTagNames, and customTagValues are inputs to the script).
var spec = new VcVirtualMachineConfigSpec();
spec.deviceChange = new Array();
var deviceChange = new VcVirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
deviceChange.operation = VcVirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add;
deviceChange.device = new VcVirtualVmxnet3();
deviceChange.device.key = -100;
deviceChange.device.backing = new VcVirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo();
deviceChange.device.backing.deviceName = vmNetwork;
deviceChange.device.connectable = new VcVirtualDeviceConnectInfo();
deviceChange.device.connectable.startConnected = true;
deviceChange.device.connectable.allowGuestControl = true;
deviceChange.device.connectable.connected = true;
deviceChange.device.controllerKey = 100;
deviceChange.device.addressType = "Manual";
deviceChange.device.macAddress = macAddr;
deviceChange.device.wakeOnLanEnabled = true;
spec.deviceChange[0] = deviceChange; // i've also tried doing spec.deviceChange.push(deviceChange)
// custom tags are vApp properties
if (customTagNames.length > 0) {
spec.vAppConfig = new VcVmConfigSpec();
spec.vAppConfig.property = new Array();
for (var i=0 ; i<customTagNames.length ; i++) {
System.log("adding vApp Property "+ customTagNames[i] +" with value "+ customTagValues[i]);
var vAppProperty = new VcVAppPropertySpec();
vAppProperty.operation = VcArrayUpdateOperation.add;
vAppProperty.info = new VcVAppPropertyInfo();
vAppProperty.info.key = i;
vAppProperty.info.classId = "";
vAppProperty.info.instanceId = "";
vAppProperty.info.id = customTagNames[i];
vAppProperty.info.category = "";
vAppProperty.info.label = customTagNames[i];
vAppProperty.info.type = "string";
vAppProperty.info.userConfigurable = true;
vAppProperty.info.defaultValue = customTagValues[i];
vAppProperty.info.value = "";
vAppProperty.info.description = "";
spec.vAppConfig.property[i] = vAppProperty; // i've also tried spec.vAppConfig.property.push(vAppProperty)
reconfigTask = vm.reconfigVM_Task(spec); // VirtualMachine
When I run the workflow I can see the VM get reconfigured inside vCenter but no changes are made. Is there something incorrect in the script that I'm missing? I have something very similar in PowerCLI that works fine - I'm just trying to convert it from PowerCLI.