Has anyone used PowerShell to externally run a vCenter Orchestrator Workflow via the rest/soap api as described at http://www.vcoportal.de/2011/06/updated-calling-vco-workflows-from-powershell/ and run into errors related to the self-signed certificate?
This is the error I'm receiving after running the first couple of lines:
### Connect to vCO and generate Proxy $vcoWS
$vcoWS = New-WebServiceProxy -Class VCO -Namespace VCO -Uri http://vm-try-vco.oag.lawnet:8280/vmware-vmo-webcontrol/webservice?WSDL
### Print out result (in every instance...)
New-WebServiceProxy : The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
At line:2 char:29
+ $vcoWS = New-WebServiceProxy <<<< -Class VCO -Namespace VCO -Uri http://vm-try-vco.oag.lawnet:8280/vmware-vmo-webcontrol/webservice?WSDL
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (http://vm-try-v...webservice?WSDL:Uri) [New-WebServiceProxy], WebException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewWebServiceProxy