Hello vCO group,
We have Infoblox IPAM automation in place and using vCO and Infoblox IPAM plugin we are trying to achieve this.
However, the IPAM workflow picks up all the VMs in the vApp irrespective of the OS (Windows/Linux) and gets an IP address for the machine. We use DNS integrated with AD for Windows system IP addressing and Infoblox for Linux machines. I'm now tasked with differentiating Windows and Linux VMs in the vApp and ignore Windows machines from running into IPAM actions.
I'm a PowerShell/PowerCLI guy but have no knowledge in JavaScirpting and now in need of help from this group.
We have "arrayVMsInvApp" variable which picks up all the VMs inside the vApp using an auto generated code "actionResult = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vCloud.vApp").getVmsFromVApp(vApp) ;"
Can someone help me to write a scriptable task can ignore Windows VMs and picks only Linux VMs and passes the list to a variable called "LinuxVMsInvApp"? I will then call this new variable in the next workflow elements and get the IPAM work done.
Any help is very much appreciated. Thank you.