I'm looking for additional information on vCO reflection capabilities. More specifically, I started to look at API methods and properties which provide information on Workflow structure. It is possible to read the structure of the Workflow using "Workflow.firstItem" property
and "WorkflowItem.nextItem" property (and additional properties from WorkflowItem subclasses) . Workflow inputs, outputs, and attributes can be read from "Workflow.inParameters", "Workflow.outParameters", and "Workflow.attributes" respectively.
However, there are some information on Workflow structure which is not mentioned in the API documentation. These are things like WorkflowItem exception path, WorkflowItem parameter (and exception) bindings, and whole bunch of information on "WorkflowInputItem" object - external inputs, attributes, exception, and presentation information. It is also not mentioned in the API documentation how to read presentation information from the "Workflow" object itself.
Does anybody have the information on how to get this info?
Thank you.