I am looking to get the External IP of a Specific VM in a vApp.
The VM is connected to a vApp Network which is routed. In the GUI I can see that by default every VM in the vApp gets an external address and can see it on the GUI.
I have also found the method externalIP on the scripting class VclNatOneToOneVmRule, in the "Search API" function of vCO. I am just not sure how to ensure that I am specifying the correct VM and how to go about getting this information.
I currently have the following information avaialble to run the query:
vm id
Vcloud:vApp object
Vcloud:Nm object
I can probably get more but I am guessing i need to find the vApp network and then find the rules and filter on VMid or something. I couldnt find a scripting class for Vcloud:VappNetwork.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.