I am trying to re-use a vm name. We have a situation where we want to redeploy a system for a user with a fresh install and the same machine name. We also want to keep the original system around for a few days. The process I've setup renames the current vm by setting the vCAC:VirtualMachine.virtualMachineName to a temp name and also renaming the VC:VirtualMachine to the same temp name. Everything appears to be renamed correctly when I look in vRA and vCenter but when I deploy the new vm and reuse the name it is getting named with a -0 during the guest customization. So a vm named "test-vm" would come out "test-vm-0". I'm assuming somewhere either vCenter or vRA thinks there is still a system named test-vm so it is trying to avoid a collision and adding the -0. Am I missing a spot I need to update somewhere? I tried putting in a 5 minute pause between the time I made the name changes then proceeded with the deployment but its still tacking on that -0 inside the guest OS. The name looks correct in vCenter and vRA but the guest customization has a different name.
Trying to re-use a vm name but new vm always has a -0 attached to the name. What would cause this?