Was wondering if a fresh set of eyes could help me out please. I am trying to search for the child OUs of a parent OU. I am getting the results but I am unable to filter the attributes I need:
var parentOU = "Departments"; (this would be an input but I am hard settings this for testing purposes)
var ous = ActiveDirectory.search('OrganizationalUnit',parentOU);
var arrchildOUs = [];
for each (ou in ous){
System.log (arrchildOUs)
The results I get are as follows:
[2017-09-27 16:27:03.603] [I] DynamicWrapper (Instance) : [AD_OrganizationalUnit]-[class ch.dunes.ad.object.OU] -- VALUE : #_v2_#,#OU#,#257bfca1-a439-44b7-a9a2-c5a4b593fdb7#,#OU=Finance,OU=Departments,OU=vRA Self Service,DC=demo,DC=co,DC=uk#,
DynamicWrapper (Instance) : [AD_OrganizationalUnit]-[class ch.dunes.ad.object.OU] -- VALUE : #_v2_#,#OU#,#257bfca1-a439-44b7-a9a2-c5a4b593fdb7#,#OU=Sales,OU=Departments,OU=vRA Self Service,DC=demo,DC=co,DC=uk#,
DynamicWrapper (Instance) : [AD_OrganizationalUnit]-[class ch.dunes.ad.object.OU] -- VALUE : #_v2_#,#OU#,#257bfca1-a439-44b7-a9a2-c5a4b593fdb7#,#OU=Support,OU=Departments,OU=vRA Self Service,DC=demo,DC=co,DC=uk#
I was hoping to just return the OU names. Any advice greatly appreciated.