Just a quick note to help anyone out there that may be looking for a list of VMs owned by a particular business group. May you find it useful.
BusinessGroupName (note: the BG name has been hardcoded below for testing as seen "MyBusinessGroupName")
var service = host.createCatalogClient().getCatalogConsumerResourceService();
var businessGroupObject = vCACCAFEEntitiesFinder.findBusinessGroups(host,"MyBusinessGroupName")[0];
var businessGroupID = businessGroupObject.getId();
System.log("BusinessGroup ID: " + businessGroupID);
var filter = new Array();
filter[0] = vCACCAFEFilterParam.substringOf("organization/subTenant/id", vCACCAFEFilterParam.string(businessGroupID));
var query = vCACCAFEOdataQuery.query().addFilter(filter);
var items = service.getResourcesList(new vCACCAFEPageOdataRequest(query));
//Removing all deployments, as I was only interested in the VM name. Can parse as needed from this point.
for each( var item in items){
if(item.hasChildren == false){
System.log("name:" + item.name);