Hi all,
I am trying to use the AWS Plugin for vRealize Orchestrator 6.0.3 (listed as AWS on Orchestrator Configuration web front-end).
However the region eu-central-1 (Frankfurt) is missing.
I tried the following script to get all regions:
var regions = AWSRegionManager.findAllRegions(); for (var i = 0; i < regions.length; i ++) { System.log(regions[i].name + " - " + regions[i].description + " - " + regions[i].displayName ) }
[2017-08-04 10:55:17.412] [I] sa-east-1 - South America (Sao Paulo) Region - sa-east-1 [South America (Sao Paulo) Region] [2017-08-04 10:55:17.412] [I] ap-northeast-1 - Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region - ap-northeast-1 [Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region] [2017-08-04 10:55:17.412] [I] eu-west-1 - EU (Ireland) Region - eu-west-1 [EU (Ireland) Region] [2017-08-04 10:55:17.412] [I] us-gov-west-1 - AWS GovCloud (US) - us-gov-west-1 [AWS GovCloud (US)] [2017-08-04 10:55:17.413] [I] us-east-1 - US East (Northern Virginia) Region - us-east-1 [US East (Northern Virginia) Region] [2017-08-04 10:55:17.413] [I] cn-north-1 - China (Beijing) - cn-north-1 [China (Beijing)] [2017-08-04 10:55:17.413] [I] us-west-1 - US West (Northern California) Region - us-west-1 [US West (Northern California) Region] [2017-08-04 10:55:17.413] [I] us-west-2 - US West (Oregon) Region - us-west-2 [US West (Oregon) Region] [2017-08-04 10:55:17.413] [I] ap-southeast-2 - Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region - ap-southeast-2 [Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region] [2017-08-04 10:55:17.413] [I] ap-southeast-1 - Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region - ap-southeast-1 [Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region]
Is there a way to add new regions to the AWSRegionManager?
Thanks in advance,