I figured I'd share some enhancements to the vRO plugin for vRA that I threw together as we are in the midst of migrating vRA 6 to 7. I had setup a lab where I was doing my testing and when I went to migrate my property definitions and groups I discovered the cloud client doesn't like items that are visible to all tenants. I like doing just about everything in orchestrator anyway so I'm putting together a sync utility and I needed some workflows that can move between environments. I also just wanted to flip all of the visibility to the tenant on everything I had already created so I put that into the workflows. You can grab the package here vRealize Automation property definition and property group tool kit - Samples - VMware {code} . Its far from perfect but pretty functional. I'll update it as I go along. Uploading a copy of the package here but any updates will be on the code.vmware.com site.