Brand new to Orchestrator here, so be gentle please.....
I'm trying to build a workflow to put an ESX host in MM so that we can schedule this to be done. The main problem i'm having is due to 3 host agent VMs that run on all my hosts. 1 of them needs to be shut down first, followed by the other 2. These cannot be migrated and will cause the MM command to error out if they are still powered on at that time.
I tried playing around with how to do this, but I'm having trouble isolating each VM in order to shut it down. The naming schemes are not the greatest, but are shown below
GuestSec (1) - the number is different on every host
AgentVM (1) - same as above for number
I can make the first one work due to it just being the hostname (which i know), but I can't find a good way to locate the other two for shut down. Would this be easier to build a PS host and use powerCLI? I have some experience with that and know it wouldn't be too bad to do, but thought I would ask before I make another run at a PS Host (i failed setup the first time, but w/e).
I would think there would be an easy way to list all the VMs on a host and then search through it since I know the names of what i need. Any help would be appreciated!