I am using configurations elements to help me to facilitate searches during VM Deployment
but in the way I use it. If I do a search of elements using thoses configuration elements "find elements that use this element" I have no answer
I am affraid that after a while it will be complicated to update thoses elements as I will not be able to find the workflows using them
here is the way I use those elements perhaps the wrong way
the workflow works this way but I want to be sure I use the right methode to use the configuration elements
under the configuration elements category "createVM/vcenter" I have 2 elements with attributes as showed bellow
vcenter1 name type value env string prod disktype string thin elementref vc:sdkconnection https://xxxxxxxxx reseau array/string standard,dmz typeinfra array/string preprod,prod,integration, ...
in my workflow I use an attribute and 2 inputs
attribute name type value listevcenters configurationelementcategory createVM/vcenter inputs name type value reseau string dmz typeinfra string prod
here is the code in the workflow
function Contient(valeur, contenant) { if (contenant instanceof Array) { //System.log('value is Array!'); return (contenant.indexOf(valeur) > -1); } else { //System.log('Not an array'); return (contenant === valeur); } } var returnReseau = new Array; var returntypeInfra = new Array; var elements = listevCenters.configurationElements; for each (element in elements){ //System.log(element.name); if (Contient(reseau,element.getAttributeWithKey("reseau").value)){ returnReseau.push(element.getAttributeWithKey("elementRef").value); } if (Contient(typeInfra,element.getAttributeWithKey("typeInfra").value)){ returntypeInfra.push(element.getAttributeWithKey("elementRef").value); } } if(returnReseau.length == 1){ vcenter = returnReseau[0]; } else if (returntypeInfra.length == 1) { vcenter = returntypeInfra[0]; } else {throw "Trop de choix dans le vCenter"} System.log(typeInfra +" " + reseau +" " +vcenter.name.split("/")[2])