Trying to use the SQL Plugin, I'm doing a insert into, and then I want to retrieve the id of that operation. But it always returns 0.
My guess is that the executeCustomQuery, vs readCustomQuery, is not in the same connection ? If I go directly into my MySQL server, and do the same insert, I get the id without any issue. But with VRO it doesn't work. I could extract the last id from the table, but that's not the best thing to do, is there something else I could do in my code to get the id ?
Here's my code:
var date = (new Date(Date.now() - ((new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60000))).toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' '); var query = "INSERT INTO nas (project_id, creator_id, request_type_id, charge_io_id, stockage_type_id, service_id, operating_system_id," + "site_id, comments, status, servers, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('" + project_id + "'," + demandeur_id + "," + request_type_id + "," + charge_io_id + "," + stockage_type_id + "," + service_id + "," + operating_system_id + "," + site_id + ",'" + comments + "','created','" + serveurs + "','" + date + "','" + date + "');"; System.log(query); var response = execQuery(query,"exec"); System.log(response); query = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();"; var response = execQuery(query,"read"); System.log(response); System.log(response[0].getProperty(response[0].getFieldNames()[0])); /////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// function execQuery(query, type){ try { if (type == 'exec'){ var response = database.executeCustomQuery(query); } else if (type == 'read'){ var response = database.readCustomQuery(query); } else { throw 'Query type invalide'; } } catch (e) { throw 'Couldn\'t get a response from the database. Error: ' + e; } return response; }
And the logs:
[2017-04-26 09:07:24.499] [I] INSERT INTO nas (project_id, creator_id, request_type_id, charge_io_id, stockage_type_id, service_id, operating_system_id,site_id, comments, status, servers, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('536',23,36,39,42,45,80,63,'test','created','asd','2017-04-26 09:07:24','2017-04-26 09:07:24'); [2017-04-26 09:07:24.519] [I] 1 [2017-04-26 09:07:24.528] [I] DynamicWrapper (Instance) : [SQLActiveRecord]-[class com.vmware.o11n.plugin.database.ActiveRecord] -- VALUE : ActiveRecord: {LAST_INSERT_ID()=0} [2017-04-26 09:07:24.531] [I] 0