I have been testing two methods of deploying an ovf from vRO 7.2 in a vCenter 6.5. This would be used in conjunction with a workflow that would deploy many similar vm's from the same ovf for a testing environment.
First method is using the OVF Transfer plugin - I have this working and it looks pretty handy and does everything I need it to.
The Second method would be to use the vAPI Endpoint method to deploy ovf from the content library.
I am finding it hard to understand how to get the vAPI method working or to find any blogs examples or how to's on this
I have added my vAPI endpoint in vRO and imported the vAPI metamodel.
Am looking at below example but having difficulty extraction what I need to get a working workflow.
vSphere 6.0 Documentation Center
Has anyone been able to do this or anything similar. I could always use the OVF plugin but am curious about the possibilities of a new method of doing this and other tasks. Not looking for completed workflows or anything just a point in the right direction of how to. Also general information/opinions/experiences from anyone who has used either method