Hi all.
Having an issue I can't seem to figure out. Our Lab Manager host dies a few weeks ago due to HD failures. I had to rebuild the box using ESX 3.5 U2. Once that was done, I added it to our VCenter installation. At this point, all was fine.
I spun up a Win 2003 VM on the host, updated, and installed Lab Manager 3.0. Got the install completed, have it talking to AD, but when I'm trying to prepare the host in Lab Manager, I'm getting the following error:
Error in Preparing: Permission to perform this operation was denied.
I'm using the root credentials for the host, and once I submit the task, it starts to run, and about 20 seconds later I get the above error.
What am I missing here? Not sure what other permissions I need to set.
Any help is much appriciated.