Hi Everyone
Our management has asked for metrics on the use of Lab Manager so I started looking around and noticed that none of the 3rd party tools support Lab Manager. I started to poke around the SQL database and managed to extract some info however my SQL knowledge is very limited. I am wondering if anyone out there has written their own queries or can help me sort some things out.
I thought I would start a community thread as i'm sure I am not the only one out there looking to do this.
This first query gives you the usernames and deploys in order
WHERE (starttime > '02/01/2007') AND (object NOT LIKE 'VirtualRouter%') AND (operation LIKE 'JOB_Deploy') AND (object_type_full = 'Virtual Machine') and (status <> 3)
This query gives you the daily deployments per organization
SELECT convert(char(10), starttime, 101) as MonthYear, count(operation) as Deployments, bucket_name AS Organization
WHERE (operation LIKE 'JOB_Deploy')AND starttime BETWEEN '12/01/2006' AND '12/01/2009' AND (status <>3)
GROUP BY convert(char(10), starttime, 101),bucket_name
ORDER BY MonthYear
This last query shows total deployments listed by username (someone helped me with this)
SELECT U.username, COUNT(J.job_id) AS Deploys
Usr U ON J.user_id = U.user_id
WHERE (J.object_type_full = 'Virtual Machine') AND (J.operation = 'JOB_Deploy') AND (starttime BETWEEN '12/01/2006' AND '12/01/2009')
GROUP BY U.username
I would like to know how to get some of the following:
Top 10 Users (Query 3 lists the total deployments per user but i don't know how to have it display this)
number of images created monthly (VM Templates / Workspace Configurations)
number of images captured to the library monthly
Biggest VMs
Number of logins daily (to Lab Manager)
Top 10 images checked out
Images not used in x days
Any help would be greatly appreciated