Good afternoon,
I'm trying to build a workflow to grab a list of FW rules on an Edge device using the vCloud vCO plug in.
I can get the edge name (using some examples from the load balancer package), but can't figure out how to extend that to grab this list of rules.
Here is the code I have so far.
// var vApp input parameter
var objVclOrgVdcNetwork = arrOrgVdcNetworks[0];
//System.log("Org vDC Network Name: " +;
var arrOrgVdcGateway = objVclAdminVdc.getGateways();
// Assumes that there is only 1 Gateway per Org vDC
gateway = arrOrgVdcGateway[0];
var vcdHost = gateway.getHost();
System.log("vCloud Host: "+ vcdHost.url);
System.log("Edge Gateway : " +;
It's probably easy, but I'm not a programmer by trade.
Thank you