I am planning to create a action which will basically login to NSX using REST API and then create a array which will store the value for transportzone.
I created a workflow with REST api for testing and it worked.
Now i am trying to create the action using the same working code.
But i am not able to understand how i will connect using REST in this mode ,
I cannt get a option to select my NSX manager which i have added in orchestrator because there is not option to select the defined REST API.
What can i do in code in order to have the REST API enabled
I am apasting the code that i am trying to use.I am new to programming and hence if there is any mistake in the code plz let me know.
/ Return a list of all the EDGE-IDs in XML format (string)
// Note: this works only with the first PAGE of the edge, 200 edges per page
// Prepare request
var arrAuthenticationParams;
arrAuthenticationParams = ["Shared Session", "admin", "PXXXXX"];
var objRESTAuthentication;
objRESTAuthentication = RESTAuthenticationManager.createAuthentication("Basic", arrAuthenticationParams);
var host_url = 'https://NSX IP Address/api'
var nsxManagerRestHost = RESTHost(host_url);
var request = nsxManagerRestHost.createRequest("GET","/2.0/vdn/scopes");
request.contentType = "application/xml";
// Esecute request
System.debug("Querying list of first 200 EDGEs");
//System.debug("Request URL: " + request.fullUrl);
var response = request.execute();
// Evaluate the response
//System.debug("Response Status Code: " + response.statusCode);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
//System.debug("EDGE list is " + response.contentAsString);
System.debug("Response is Success!");
else {
throw("Failed to get EDGE list! ");
// Return XML response
//edgeList = response.contentAsString;
edgeList = response.contentAsString;
System.debug ("Reslut:" + edgeList);
return edgeList;