I'm trying to migrate Blueprint from tenantA to tenantB, part of that I want to do the following:
1. Add Costum Property,
2. Change 'Overridable' to false,
3. Show in Request' to true.
I did #1 using the following code:
var client = host.createCompositionClient(); var service = client.getCompositionCompositeBlueprintService(); var components = blueprint.getComponents(); for each(key in components.keys) { var component = components.get(key); if (component.type == "Infrastructure.CatalogItem.Machine.Virtual.vSphere") { var propertyDiff = new Properties(); propertyDiff.put("Costom.Prop1", "SomeValue"); service.updateBlueprintComponentProperties(blueprint.id, key, propertyDiff); break; } }
I printed out `component.data`, found out
// Step 1.2, Print it out (Encrypted: N, Overriable: Y, Show in Request: N) /* [2016-12-14 22:36:59.777] [I] visibility: false [2016-12-14 22:36:59.784] [I] fixedValue: SomeValue [2016-12-14 22:36:59.792] [I] encrypted: false [2016-12-14 22:36:59.798] [I] mandatory: false */ // Step 2.1, Change Encrypted to Y from N // Step 2.2, Print it out (Encrypted: Y, Overriable: Y, Show in Request: N) /* [2016-12-14 22:36:59.777] [I] visibility: false [2016-12-14 22:36:59.784] [I] fixedValue: SomeValue [2016-12-14 22:36:59.792] [I] encrypted: true [2016-12-14 22:36:59.798] [I] mandatory: false */ // Step 2.3, Change Overriable to N from Y // Step 2.4, Print it out (Encrypted: Y, Overriable: N, Show in Request: N) /* [2016-12-14 22:36:59.777] [I] visibility: false [2016-12-14 22:36:59.784] [I] fixedValue: SomeValue [2016-12-14 22:36:59.792] [I] encrypted: true [2016-12-14 22:36:59.798] [I] mandatory: false */ // Step 2.5, Change Show in Request to Y from N // Step 2.6, Print it out (Encrypted: Y, Overriable: N, Show in Request: Y) /* [2016-12-14 22:36:59.777] [I] visibility: true [2016-12-14 22:36:59.784] [I] fixedValue: SomeValue [2016-12-14 22:36:59.792] [I] encrypted: true [2016-12-14 22:36:59.798] [I] mandatory: true */
Which make me think visibility (maybe mandatory) are map to Show in Request. (I maybe wrong :-)
So, I tried different way to change those two values, but none of them work.
// Try 3.1 // propertyDiff.put("Costom.Prop1", prop1); /* [2016-12-14 23:47:36.884] [E] Error in (Workflow:UpdatePropertyGroup / Scriptable task (item1)#61) Could not write content: No serializer found for class ch.dunes.model.client.LogFactory and no properties discovered to create BeanSerializer (to avoid exception, disable SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS) ) (through reference chain: java.util.HashMap["Costom.Prop1"]->ch.dunes.vso.sdk.DynamicWrapper["javaObject"]->com.vmware.vcac.composition.rest.stubs.ComponentFieldValue["facets"]->java.util.Hashtable["visibility"]->ch.dunes.vso.sdk.DynamicWrapper["parentScope"]->ch.dunes.scripting.server.script.MainScriptingObject["factory"]->ch.dunes.ejb.client.VSOServerFactoryClient["logFactory"]); nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: No serializer found for class ch.dunes.model.client.LogFactory and no properties discovered to create BeanSerializer (to avoid exception, disable SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS) ) (through reference chain: java.util.HashMap["Costom.Prop1"]->ch.dunes.vso.sdk.DynamicWrapper["javaObject"]->com.vmware.vcac.composition.rest.stubs.ComponentFieldValue["facets"]->java.util.Hashtable["visibility"]->ch.dunes.vso.sdk.DynamicWrapper["parentScope"]->ch.dunes.scripting.server.script.MainScriptingObject["factory"]->ch.dunes.ejb.client.VSOServerFactoryClient["logFactory"]) */ // Try 3.2 var newProp2 = new vCACCAFEComponentFieldValue(); var newProp2Data = newProp2.getData(); newProp2Data.put("visibility", vCACCAFEVisibilityConstraint.fromBoolean(true)); newProp2Data.put("mandatory", vCACCAFEMandatoryConstraint.fromBoolean(true)); propertyDiff.put("Costom.Prop2", newProp2); // Try 3.3 var newProp3 = new vCACCAFEComponentFieldValue(); // Try 3.3.1 newProp3.addFacetValue("visibility", new vCACCAFEConstantValue(vCACCAFEBooleanLiteral.fromBoolean(true))); newProp3.addFacetValue("mandatory", new vCACCAFEConstantValue(vCACCAFEBooleanLiteral.fromBoolean(true))); // Try 3.3.2 newProp3.addFacetValue("visibility", vCACCAFEConstantValue.fromBoolean(true)); newProp3.addFacetValue("mandatory", vCACCAFEConstantValue.fromBoolean(true)); propertyDiff.put("Costom.Prop3", newProp3); // Try 3.4 var newProp4 = new vCACCAFEComponentFieldValue(); var newProp4FacetArray = [new vCACCAFEVisibilityConstraint(true), new vCACCAFEMandatoryConstraint(true)]; var newProp4Facets = new Properties(); for each(facet in newProp4FacetArray) { newProp4Facets.put(facet.getClass(), facet); } newProp4.setFacets(newProp4Facets); propertyDiff.put("Costom.Prop4", newProp4); service.updateBlueprintComponentProperties(blueprint.id, key, propertyDiff);
Also, even I change the value to true, true manually, the code above will change it back to false. Like back to default value.
Is there a way to change those? Or there is a bug on facets changes? I am stuck on this for a whole day, please help :-)
I'm using vRA 7.1.