Hi Guys,
We use AD Groups to manage SCCM Patching and Reboot windows, and I need to write a workflow to remove an AD Computer objectfrom a particular AD group as part of a wider workflow. Seems simple enough, but i'm having an issue with it. I have 2 inputs:
computerGroup - Type: AD:UserGroup
computer - Type: AD:ComputerAD
I'm trying to use the removeElements method of the AD:UserGroup object:
but am seeing an error:
rror in (Workflow:Remove computer from groups / Remove members (item0)#7) Cannot convert #_v2_#,#Computer#,#6cc0881b-5a46-48a1-8038-a1be10e7f46c#,#CN=<REMOVED>,OU=<REMOVED>,OU=<REMOVED>,DC=net,DC=<REMOVED>,DC=<REMOVED>,DC=<REMOVED># to ch.dunes.ad.object.interfaces.IADBase[]
[2016-11-30 13:43:40.562] [E] Workfow execution stack:
I use a very similar script to remove user objects from AD groups without any issues. I can return allAttributes of the computerGroup object, and enumerate it's members etc.
Any ideas?