We have a set of workflows with a scriptable step that I'd like to edit through a text editor rather than through Orchestrator client. There are too many workflows to touch individually, and at this point I think it will be much more efficient to conduct a search/replace in batch mode.
I was able to perform an update by expanding my workflow package into a folder. I am on 5.5, so import back is not available but I do have 7.1 instance in my environment where I can import from folder, convert back to a single package format and export again for further import to 5.5 instance.
So far workflow functionality is good, but I did notice a couple of quirks with versioning. Upon import into my 5.5, and increment of a version through the package manager (increment version option on the package itself), some workflows would get a "not the latest" warning. This doesn't seem to be happening to all of the updated workflows and goes way if version is incremented again. Second issue is that versions prior to my batch update are no longer available for a rollback or compare after import. If at all possible, I'd like to retain prior change history. I see that once the original package is expanded into xml format there is a set of files specifically referencing version history and there is a signature for the last content version. I suspect that it will need to be updated with my batch change, but I am not exactly sure how or if it is even possible. Could anyone comment if you tried anything similar? Thanks.