I am perplexed here. According to everything I have come across, my configuration is solid, and yes I have restarted the server, services, the whole nine yards!
I went in to the logs and found the following after trying to authenticate for the hundredth time.
2015-09-14 20:36:36.888+0000 [http-bio-] ERROR {} [DefaultVerifier] User LDAP-USER-['ckuhns'] - DOMAIN.org\ckuhns doesn't have necessary rights 'View', required to execute operation on (VSOServer, _ROOT).
2015-09-14 20:36:36.889+0000 [http-bio-] ERROR {} [VcoFactoryServiceFacadeProxy] ch.dunes.util.NotAuthorizedException: [0002]User 'DOMAIN\ckuhns' is not authorized!
2015-09-14 22:22:50.938+0000 [http-bio-] ERROR {} [DefaultVerifier] User LDAP-USER-['administrator'] - DOMAIN.org\administrator doesn't have necessary rights 'View', required to execute operation on (VSOServer, _ROOT).
2015-09-14 22:22:50.939+0000 [http-bio-] ERROR {} [VcoFactoryServiceFacadeProxy] ch.dunes.util.NotAuthorizedException: [0002]User 'administrator@DOMAIN.org' is not authorized!
2015-09-14 22:37:50.723+0000 [http-bio-] ERROR {} [DefaultVerifier] User LDAP-USER-['ckuhns'] - DOMAIN.org\ckuhns doesn't have necessary rights 'View', required to execute operation on (VSOServer, _ROOT).
2015-09-14 22:37:50.724+0000 [http-bio-] ERROR {} [VcoFactoryServiceFacadeProxy] ch.dunes.util.NotAuthorizedException: [0002]User 'ckuhns@DOMAIN.org' is not authorized!
I can authenticate just fine from the Configuration screen, but not the client.