I couldn't find an action for this and it doesn't seem to be a property of the vCAC vm. It sure would be nice if it were. I snagged this code from one of the workflows in the vCAC plugin that does what I would like so I figured I would repost here. I also attached an action. Takes a vCAC:VirtualMachine input and returns a VC:VirtualMachine out.
var sdkConnections = VcPlugin.allSdkConnections;
System.log(sdkConnections.length + " sdk Connections found...");
for each (var sdkConnection in sdkConnections) {
try {
vCenterVm = sdkConnection.searchIndex.findByUuid(null, vCACVm.vmUniqueID, true, false);
} catch(e) {System.log("Error for SDK connection " + sdkConnection.name + " : " + e);}
if (vCenterVm != null) {
System.log("Resolved vCenter VM " + vCenterVm.name);
return vCenterVm;