Haven't found anything out there, so before I write a slew of workflows to turn the MS REST calls into vRO workflows, figured I'd just ask - anyone have these workflows already built?
If not, anyone know how I can convert the json-like data returned into actual JSON? I'm trying to do a JSON.parse(content) on it and getting invalid JSON. I get something like this back:
"totalCount": 11, "items": [{item 1},{item 2}],...],"links": {"self":{"url":/customers?size=20","method"="GET","headers":[]}},"attributes":{"objectType":"Collection"})
If I just take the array for items, that parses out into the things I want and is valid JSON. Looks like MS is adding in a bunch of stuff about my request into the return value. Is this some format that javascript can somehow parse into valid JSON or do I really need to string parse that thing manually to pull out the "items" array?