I have read every manual and researched this but keep coming to a dead end. I am admittedly a VMware neophyte but this seems overly cryptic to resolve.
- ESXi 6 'wish
- vCSA 6 'ish
- vRO Appliance 7.1
- using both vsphere Client app and web client
I need to change one network setting: the list of DNS Servers the vRO appliance uses. From research I believe:
1) It's not as simple as logging into it's console and editing /etc/resolv.conf - notes I've seen say it will just revert on a future reboot
2) The vRO Configuration Tool seems to have nothing related to underlying appliance network settings
3) As an appliance, running under ESXi/vSphere, you might just change the "vApp Option" for the VM
After figuring out the VM had to powered off first, and finding the 6 network options (address, mask, domain-name, dns-servers, etc) I was able to change one of the addresses as needed. However, it seemed to have no affect upon next power up. When I view the vApp Options -> Networking Properties now, I see what I need it to change to, but when I log into the vRO appliance's console resolve.conf and nslookup seem to believe the old DNS server list is in use (what other ways to ask a *nix box to reveal what DNS servers it's using)
The old DNS server is going to die soon and I need a fix for this problem soon. Could the expert VMware community give me any ideas to try, clues, documentation, edumacation, or even a hack to accomplish this?