I am a newbie in orchestration and now stuck on a problem. I use vCloud plugin and want to get all vApps from specific vDC, then suspend them and disable vDC. Firstly, I should have a vDC ID in URN format as input, e.g. urn:vcloud:vdc:96204229-860b-41c2-ab91-7b8bd3f4c174. However, I cannot find any method in API library to get all vApps from vDC using vDC ID URN format for input, therefore for now I have this script:
var cloudOrgs = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vCloud.operation").getOrganizationsVCloudHost(vcloud_server);
for (var i in cloudOrgs) {
var orgVdcs = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vCloud.operation").getVdcsOrg(cloudOrgs[i]);
for (var j in orgVdcs) {
var vDCvApps = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vCloud.operation").getVAppsVdc(orgVdcs[j]);
System.log prints output of vDCs like this:
DynamicWrapper (Instance) : [VclVdc]-[class com.vmware.vmo.plugin.vcloud.model.Vdc] -- VALUE : com.vmware.vmo.plugin.vcloud.model.Vdc@97eccd50
Tried this:
Got output: TypeError: Cannot read property "id" from undefined
How can I get vDC ID in URN format from this output?