Hi All,
After removing the snapshots through orchestrator, login into the VI-client, the VM summary shows that "configuration Issues" "Virtual Machine disks consolidation is needed".
Could you guide me how to do consolidation through orchestrator.
var logtext;
var vmName = activeSnapshot.config.name;
var snapshotID = activeSnapshot.id;
var task = activeSnapshot.removeSnapshot_Task(removeChildren);
//var task = activeSnapshot.removeSnapshot_Task(consolidate);
var actionResult = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vc.basic").vim3WaitTaskEnd(task) ;
logtext = "The snapshot with the id " + snapshotID + " from the Virtual machine '"+vmName+"'has been removed.";
logtext = "The snapshot with the id " + activeSnapshot.id + " has already been removed.";
content = content + "<br>" + logtext;
Note:- The above code belongs to Remove snapshot code.