Using vRO7 and when I configure REST to use a proxy with basic authentication it seems to fail? (My proxy indicates that no credentials are actually being received and I know the proxy supports this as curl works from vRO appliance shell).
Looking at vRO log files and tcpdump it seems to generate a header of type "Authorization: Basic" but guess I was expecting the header for Proxy authentication to be "Proxy Authorization: Basic" or am I misunderstanding? Just to clarify only proxy authentication is setup - the host authentication is NONE. In fact if I setup basic authentication for both Host and Proxy I seem to get 2 x "Authorization: Basic" headers. If I edit the script and insert set a header for "Proxy-Authorization" the proxy will authenticate but this is not a solution to all my issues and current thinking is to invoke curl from vRO as this seems to work with all my required use cases :-) Of course just be nice if it worked straight from vRO.
Be nice to clarify whether I have misunderstood behaviour or possible bug?