Hello All,
I am looking for a way to switch values for input parameters of the type 'VC:X' based on the value of an input parameter of type 'VC:Datacenter'. Consider the following:
The "Clone thin provisioned..." workflow requires among other input, a Datastore and VMFolder. Our software R & D vCenter implementation places users from distinct business units into distinct datacenters to assist with logical grouping as well as acting as a cost center. The idea is that by prompting for the datacenter to which a user belongs, the workflow would then map/script/hardcode that clones would therefore be created in storage and VM folders belonging to that datacenter. Down the road, there are additional 'VC:X' type variables that I will need to map as I work further with VMs. VC:Network and VC:HostSystem would seem to be among them.
Does anyone have any thoughts on how input parameters of type 'VC:X' may be mapped by way of a specified VC:Datacenter parameter?
- I could simply expose each parameter of type 'VC:X' but that is a lot of drilling for user input when something could be mapped 'by definition' - especially if you consider my earlier post about specifying a root object from the web client apparently not working.
- I could maintain multiple copies of the "Clone thin provisioned..." workflow, hard code each input of type 'VC:X' to an attribute, and then add those elements as required - but that seems like a lot of unnecessary duplication.
Appliance version Build 4276164
Workflow Designer version
Java version 1.8.0_92
vSphere Web Client version 6.0.0 Build 2997665
Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you