I'm trying to use this to lookup a catalog resource by its requestId but I get an error saying "Invalid data access API usage exception raised during retrieving data" . This is how I put together the request:
var service = host.createCatalogClient().getCatalogConsumerResourceService();
var filter = new Array();
filter[0] = vCACCAFEFilterParam.equal("requestId", vCACCAFEFilterParam.string(requestId));
var query = vCACCAFEOdataQuery.query().addFilter(filter);
var items = service.getResourcesList(new vCACCAFEPageOdataRequest(query))
Any clue why this throws this error? Seems like it should work.
I also tried using the request service
var requestService = host.createCatalogClient().getCatalogConsumerRequestService();
var resources = requestService.getResourcesProvisionedByRequest(requestId);
But I'm not sure where to go with the result. The result is a com.vmware.vcac.platform.rest.client.services.PagedResourcesWrapper which I am not sure how to handle.