I can't get the SCP Put command to work on any host using either 6.0.3 or 7.0 vRO. I can do an SCP Get command on hosts just fine; I can scp the file manually from the vRO server command line just fine. Anyone know why I'd be getting this error?
Full error text:
[2016-05-18 08:17:33.914] [E] Failed to put file. Error: failed to send channel request
[2016-05-18 08:17:33.943] [E] Workfow execution stack:
item: 'SCP put command/item5', state: 'failed', business state: 'null', exception: 'SSHSCPPutFile: failed to send channel request'
workflow: 'SCP put command' (90808080808080808080808080808080CD8080800120523434428525559a3425f)
| 'attribute': name=error type=string value=failed to send channel request
| 'attribute': name=cmdResult type=number value=-1.0
| 'attribute': name=errorMessage type=string value=SSHSCPPutFile: failed to send channel request
| 'input': name=hostName type=string value=ehcr-cmdb01
| 'input': name=port type=number value=22.0
| 'input': name=username type=string value=vco_service@mydomain.local
| 'input': name=password type=SecureString value=__NULL__
| 'input': name=localFile type=Path value=/var/run/vco/hds_arrays.csv
| 'input': name=remoteFile type=Path value=/home/mydomain.local/vco_service/datadump/hds/
| 'no outputs'
*** End of execution stack.