Hey all, I installed vRealize Orchestrator and wasn't able to enter the correct login credentials. I tried using the root login and password I created during the install and I tried using my vCenter credentials (both username@domain and domain\username formats) but no joy; I get the " Login failed: User/password mismatch or account temporarily blocked after too many unsuccessful attempts" error message. I think tried it four times; how many times is too many unsuccessful attempts? I checked in vCenter and my vCenter admin account was listed under > Manage > Permissions for vRealize. I was skeptical that I had incorrectly entered the root password but I thought I'd give it another try so I did a nuke-and-repopulate and tried it again. Nope, I still can't get in with the credentials I created or my vCenter credentials. The "Installing and Configuring Guide" isn't much help here.
I'm trying to install VMware-vRealizeOrchestrator-Appliance- in VMware vCenter 6 Standard. Am I missing a step somewhere that will help me to access and configure my vRealize Orchestrator?
Joe B